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私は、人類は地球外生命体との混血であるとの一部の科学者の説を強く支持している。そうした仮説はプロメテウスや2001年宇宙の旅といったハリウッド映画でよくテーマとされるが、もう少し科学が進化するとやがてクリアに証明される時代が来ると考えている。エリスシールド博士はかつて「Humans are not from the earth.」のなかで、人類だけが持つ腰痛、日光への極端な弱さ、困難な出産、その他の慢性疾患を地球の重力で説明しようとした。また人類が猿から進化したものではないことは今や多くの研究者の常識となっている。300万年前のアウストラロピテクスとて現在の人類の祖先ではないことは知られるところである。人類には進化の空白「ミッシングリンク」が存在する。





Milton's mind seems to have a tunnel that connects to a world that is different from the world we see today. Let's call it Milton's World. There are various extraterrestrial-like creatures in Milton's World that occasionally appear in Milton's mind through tunnels. When he finds a rare creature in the world, Milton is urged to express it on canvas or in 3D. The creatures Milton creates are vivid and extradimensional creatures that do not imitate any sculpture on Earth.

I strongly support the theory said by some scientists that humanity is a mixed race with extraterrestrial life. Such hypotheses are often themed in Hollywood movies such as Prometheus and 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I believe that the time will soon come when science will evolve a little further. In "Humans are not from the earth.", Dr. Ellis Shield once tried to explain the low back pain, extreme vulnerabilities to sunlight, difficult childbirth, and other chronic diseases that only human beings have due gravity on the earth. Moreover, it is now common knowledge of many researchers that human beings have not evolved from monkeys. It is well known that Australopithecus from 3 million years ago is not the ancestor of humankind today. There is an evolutionary blank "missing link" in humankind.


My hypothesis is this. Milton has a unique kind of mutation that brings back memories of our ancestors who lived in space. The creatures he draws are so original that they are unlike any other life form on Earth.

The life forms he draws are somehow mean, cruel, but at the same time incredibly cheerful. Perhaps these personalities not found in other animals on Earth are also characteristic of humankind brought about by extraterrestrial life.

Milton is not the only one who has the gene for extraterrestrial life. It seems that everyone on the planet has the same. That's why people who touched Milton's paintings feel "nostalgia" and remind us of "the innocent and essential part of ourselves", which strangely creates an energizing not it? (Letter from a fan)


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